I don't know yet,if I'm gonna post this blog. Sometimes I write, just to delete it :) I'm sure, you've all done it before. When you write sth with no obligation to post it,or send it to someone, you write without hesitations.. you don't really think about which words to use, you're honest and free.

Sometimes I observe people on the street, passing by. Carrying their heavy worries, I can see them in their eyes. They've adapted and just went along with what was suitable, what was expected of them. I know by now, I'm not one of them. But at least now I realized that's not wrong! I still see the good in people. I know they dream, not only at night. I just wonder, how they live without the passion, that used to keep them SO alive! I hope for them, I really do.
I can't imagine life without music. Without the love of people, who inspire me each day. Without the nature with all it's beauty I see in it. Without the passion to see beyond the surface. Without a sunny day and my morning coffee. Without the sound of the nails on my guitar. I even can't imagine not being miserable.